Cookie Policy

Cookies and other storage technologies

Cookies are small pieces of text used to store information on web browsers. Cookies are used to store and receive identifiers and other information on computers, phones and other devices. Other technologies, including data that we store on your web browser or device, identifiers associated with your device and other software, are used for similar purposes. In this policy, we refer to all of these technologies as “cookies”.

We use cookies if you have a Gurucool account, use the Gurucool Products, including our website and apps, or visit other websites and apps that use the Gurucool Products (including the Like button or other Gurucool Technologies). Cookies enable Gurucool to offer the Gurucool Products to you and to understand the information that we receive about you, including information about your use of other websites and apps, whether or not you are registered or logged in.

This policy explains how we use cookies and the choices you have. Except as otherwise stated in this policy, the Data Policy will apply to our processing of the data that we collect via cookies.

Why do we use cookies?

Cookies help us provide, protect and improve the Gurucool Products, such as by personalising content, tailoring and measuring ads, and providing a safer experience. The cookies that we use include session cookies, which are deleted when you close your browser, and persistent cookies, which stay in your browser until they expire or you delete them. While the cookies that we use may change from time to time as we improve and update the Gurucool Products, we use them for the following purposes:


We use cookies to verify your account and determine when you\’re logged in so that we can make it easier for you to access the Gurucool Products and show you the appropriate experience and features.

For example: We use cookies to keep you logged in as you navigate between Gurucool Pages. Cookies also help us remember your browser so you don\’t have to keep logging in to Gurucool and so you can more easily log in to Gurucool via third-party apps and websites. For example, we use the “c_user” and “xs” cookies, including for this purpose, which have a lifespan of 365 days.

Security, site and product integrity

We use cookies to help us keep your account, data and the Gurucool Products safe and secure.

For example: Cookies can help us identify and impose additional security measures when someone may be attempting to access a Gurucool account without authorisation, for instance, by rapidly guessing different passwords. We also use cookies to store information that allows us to recover your account in the event that you forget your password, or to require additional authentication if you tell us that your account has been hacked. This includes, for example, our “sb” and “dbln” cookies, which enable us to identify your browser securely.

We also use cookies to combat activity that violates our policies or otherwise degrades our ability to provide the Gurucool Products.

For example: Cookies help us fight spam and phishing attacks by enabling us to identify computers that are used to create large numbers of fake Gurucool accounts. We also use cookies to detect computers infected with malware and to take steps to prevent them from causing further harm. Our “csrf” cookie, for example, helps us prevent cross-site request forgery attacks. Cookies also help us prevent underage people from registering for Gurucool accounts.

Advertising, recommendations, insights and measurement

We use cookies to help us show ads and to make recommendations for businesses and other organisations to people who may be interested in the products, services or causes they promote.

For example: Cookies allow us to help deliver ads to people who have previously visited a business\’s website, purchased its products or used its apps and to recommend products and services based on that activity. Cookies also allow us to limit the number of times that you see an ad so you don\’t see the same ad over and over again. For example, the “fr” cookie is used to deliver, measure and improve the relevancy of ads, with a lifespan of 90 days.

We also use cookies to help measure the performance of ad campaigns for businesses that use the Gurucool Products.

For example: We use cookies to count the number of times that an ad is shown and to calculate the cost of those ads. We also use cookies to measure how often people do things, such as make a purchase following an ad impression. For example, the “_fbp” cookie identifies browsers for the purposes of providing advertising and site analytics services and has a lifespan of 90 days.

Cookies help us serve and measure ads across different browsers and devices used by the same person.

For example: We can use cookies to prevent you from seeing the same ad over and over again across the different devices that you use.

Cookies also allow us to provide insights about the people who use the Gurucool Products, as well as the people who interact with the ads, websites and apps of our advertisers and the businesses that use the Gurucool Products.

For example: We use cookies to help businesses understand the kinds of people who like their Gurucool Page or use their apps so that they can provide more relevant content and develop features that are likely to be interesting to their customers.

We also use cookies, such as our “oo” cookie, which has a lifespan of five years, to help you opt out of seeing ads from Gurucool based on your activity on third-party websites. Learn more about the information we receive, how we decide which ads to show you on and off the Gurucool Products and the controls that are available to you.

Site features and services

We use cookies to enable the functionality that helps us provide the Gurucool Products.

For example: Cookies help us store preferences, know when you\’ve seen or interacted with Gurucool Products\’ content and provide you with customised content and experiences. For instance, cookies allow us to make suggestions to you and others, and to customise content on third-party sites that integrate our social plugins. If you are a Page administrator, cookies allow you to switch between posting from your personal Gurucool account and the Page. We use cookies such as the session-based “presence” cookie to support your use of Messenger chat windows.

We also use cookies to help provide you with content relevant to your locale.

For example: We store information in a cookie that is placed on your browser or device so that you will see the site in your preferred language.


We use cookies to provide you with the best experience possible.

For example: Cookies help us route traffic between servers and understand how quickly Gurucool Products load for different people. Cookies also help us record the ratio and dimensions of your screen and windows and know whether you\’ve enabled high-contrast mode, so that we can render our sites and apps correctly. For example, we set the “dpr” and “wd” cookies, each with a lifespan of seven days, for purposes including to deliver an optimal experience for your device\’s screen.

Analytics and research

We use cookies to better understand how people use the Gurucool Products so that we can improve them.

For example: Cookies can help us understand how people use the Gurucool service, analyse which parts of the Gurucool Products people find most useful and engaging, and identify features that could be improved.

Third-party websites and apps

Our business partners may also choose to share information with Gurucool from cookies set in their own websites\’ domains, whether or not you have a Gurucool account or are logged in. Specifically, cookies named _fbc or _fbp may be set on the domain of the Gurucool business partner whose site you\’re visiting. Unlike cookies that are set on Gurucool\’s own domains, these cookies aren\’t accessible by Gurucool when you\’re on a site other than the one on which they were set, including when you are on one of our domains. They serve the same purposes as cookies set in Gurucool\’s own domain, which are to personalise content (including ads), measure ads, produce analytics and provide a safer experience, as set out in this Cookies Policy.

Where do we use cookies?

We may place cookies on your computer or device and receive information stored in cookies when you use or visit:

● The Gurucool Products;

● Products provided by other members of the Gurucool Companies; and

● Websites and apps are provided by other companies that use the Gurucool Products, including companies that incorporate the Gurucool Technologies into their websites and apps. Gurucool uses cookies and receives information when you visit those sites and apps, including device information and information about your activity, without any further action from you. This occurs whether or not you have a Gurucool account or are logged in.

Do other companies use cookies in connection with the Gurucool Products?

Yes, other companies use cookies on the Gurucool Products to provide advertising, measurement, marketing and analytics services to us, and to provide certain features and improve our services for you.

For example, other companies\’ cookies help tailor ads off Gurucool, measure their performance and effectiveness and support marketing and analytics. Certain features on the Gurucool Products use cookies from other companies to function, for example, certain maps, payment and security features. Learn more about the companies that use cookies on the Gurucool Products.

Third-party companies also use cookies on their own sites and apps in connection with the Gurucool Products. To understand how other companies use cookies, please review their policies.

How can you control your information?

We use cookies to help personalise and improve content and services, provide a safer experience and show you useful and relevant ads on and off Gurucool. You can control how we use data to show you ads and more by using the tools described below.

If you have a Gurucool account:

● You can use your ad preferences to learn why you\’re seeing a particular ad and control how we use information that we collect to show you ads.

● To show you better ads, we use data that advertisers and other partners provide us about your activity off Gurucool Company Products, including websites and apps. You can control whether we use this data to show you ads in your ad settings.

● The Gurucool Audience Network is a way for advertisers to show you ads in apps and websites off the Gurucool Company Products. One of the ways that Audience Network shows relevant ads is by using your ad preferences to determine which ads you may be interested in seeing. You can control this in your ad settings.

● You can review your Off-Gurucool activity, which is a summary of activities that businesses and organisations share with us about your interactions with them, such as visiting their apps or websites. They use our business tools, such as Gurucool pixel, to share this information with us. This helps us do things such as give you a more personalised experience on Gurucool. Learn more about off-Gurucool activity, how we use it and how you can manage it.


You can opt-out of seeing online interest-based ads from Gurucool and other participating companies through the Digital Advertising Alliance in the US, the Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada in Canada or the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance in Europe or through your mobile device settings, where available, using Android, iOS 13 or an earlier version of iOS. Please note that ad blockers and tools that restrict our cookie use may interfere with these controls.

More information about online advertising:

The advertising companies we work with generally use cookies and similar technologies as part of their services. To learn more about how advertisers generally use cookies and the choices they offer, you can review the following resources:

● Digital Advertising Alliance

● Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada

● European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance

Browser cookie controls:

In addition, your browser or device may offer settings that allow you to choose whether browser cookies are set and to delete them. These controls vary by browser, and manufacturers may change both the settings that they make available and how they work at any time. As of 23 June 2021, you may find additional information about the controls offered by popular browsers at the links below. Certain parts of the Gurucool Products may not work properly if you have disabled browser cookie use. Please be aware that these controls are distinct from the controls that Gurucool offers you.

● Google Chrome

● Internet Explorer

● Firefox

● Safari

● Safari Mobile

● Opera

B. Applicability of these policy

This privacy policy (“Policy”) applies to all Users who access the Platform and are therefore required to read and understand the Policy before submitting any Personal Information (defined hereinafter). By submitting Personal Information, You are consenting to the use and processing of such information in accordance with this Policy. If You have inadvertently submitted any Personal Information to Gurucool prior to reading the Policy statements set out herein, or You do not agree with the manner in which the Personal Information is collected, stored or used, then You may access, modify and delete all information stored about You by writing to us Gurucool is keeping personal data of the User, and every User is also entitled to require Gurucool to delete and destroy all such information (but not that of other Users).

This Policy applies to the Platform and any other services that are owned and operated by Gurucool. Third-party websites may place their own cookies or other files on the Users\’ computer, collect data or solicit personal information from the Users, for which Gurucool is not responsible or liable. Accordingly, Gurucool does not make any representations concerning the privacy practises or policies of such third parties or terms of use of such websites, nor does Gurucool guarantee the accuracy, integrity, or quality of the information, data, text, software, sound, photographs, graphics, videos, messages or other materials available on such websites. The inclusion or exclusion does not imply any endorsement by Gurucool of the website, the website\’s provider, or the information on the website. Gurucool encourages the User to read the privacy policies of each such website and the User understands that its solely such third party who is responsible to the User in this regard.

Gurucool has taken reasonable precautions as per applicable Indian law and implemented industry standards to treat Personal Information as confidential and to protect it from unauthorised access, improper use or disclosure, modification and unlawful destruction or accidental loss of Personal Information.

Automatic Information Collection

Our system collects information that is sent over the internet without Your control. Some examples of the information we collect and analyse include the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect Your computer to the internet; login; email; password; computer and connection information such as browser type and version, operating system, and platform; course enrolled history, which we sometimes aggregate with similar information from other users to create features, reports such as popular courses, most used features etc; the full Uniform Resource Locator (URL) click stream to, and from our Platform, including date and time; cookie number; courses or videos You viewed or searched for; the email id You used to call our customer service.

During some visits we may use software tools such as JavaScript to measure and collect session information, including page response times, download errors, length of visits to certain page, course and videos, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks and mouse overs), and methods used to browse away from the page.

Information Security of User

To protect the security of Your Personal Information during transmission, we use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) software, which encrypts information You input. To prevent unauthorised access to sensitive information, it is important for You to monitor those who have access to Your password and to Your computer, laptop or any other device through which Your account can be accessed. Be sure to sign off when finished while using a shared computer.

However, please do note that given the nature of internet transactions, Gurucool does not take any responsibility for the transmission of information including Personal Information shared by You other than as set forth in this Policy. Any transmission of information on the internet is done at Your risk and shall not be responsible for the circumvention of the privacy settings or security measures either by You or any third party.

Report, Analysis & Confidentiality

Gurucool may have to use Personal Information without reference to any persona or identity for research, statistical analysis improving the Platform of functionalities offered thereon and business intelligence purpose and may transfer such research, statistical or intelligence data in an aggregated or non-personally identifiable form to third parties and affiliates. All Gurucool employees and data processors, who have access to, and are associated with the processing of sensitive personal data or information, are obliged to respect the confidentiality of every User\’s sensitive personal data and information.

However, please do note that given the nature of internet transactions, Gurucool does not take any responsibility for the transmission of information including Personal Information shared by You other than as set forth in this Policy. Any transmission of information on the internet is done at Your risk and shall not be responsible for the circumvention of the privacy settings or security measures either by You or any third party.

Revision of terms & Grievance reporting

Gurucool may update or amend this Policy at any time, with or without advance notice. In the event there are significant changes in the way Gurucool treats User\’s personally identifiable information, Gurucool will display a notice on the Platform or send Users an email. Gurucool\’s current Policy to all information that Gurucool has about Users and their accounts.

Not withstanding the above, Gurucool shall not be required to notify the Users of any changes made to the privacy policy. Should You have any concerns or reject the changes in the privacy policy You can refuse to accept the amendments and opt for withdrawing Your Personal Information by writing to us

Children’s Privacy Policy

Protecting the privacy of children is especially important.

Website: The Website is not intended for children, does not market to children, and does not knowingly collect personal information from children. All references to “children” or “child” in this Children’s Privacy Policy shall mean children under 13 years of age, and all references to the term “parent” shall include legal guardians. If you are under 13 years of age, then please do not use or access the Website at any time or in any manner. If we learn that personally identifiable information has been provided to us and/or collected on the Website from persons under 13 years of age and without verifiable parental consent, such as through a support request, we take the appropriate steps to delete this information. If you are a parent and discover that your child under 13 years of age has provided personal information through the Website, then you may alert us at and request that we delete that child’s information from our systems. A parent or teacher can visit his or her account at any time to delete any information and/or the account.

App: We encourage parents and teachers to supervise their child or student’s use of the App. No personal information is collected or solicited from a child user of the App. We may collect analytics data (which does not contain personal information) from a child’s use of the App in order to offer and develop the Service, and we may collect information about a child such as age and nickname from you as part of your use of the App and the creation of your child’s user profile. We strive to keep the level of information collected from your child to a minimum, and in no event do we collect more information than what is required to use our learning app. The App contains no external links to third-party websites or services. We require all users of the App to use a parent or guardian’s email address in order to create an account. If permission is not received within 14 days from the email account holder, the account will be deleted. In order to enable interactive features, such as Workbooks, the App may request permission to access your device’s camera. Images captured by your device’s camera are processed only on your device by the App and are never saved. We do not receive the images captured by your device.

We will obtain prior parental consent if any changes we make to this Privacy Policy affect users under the age of 13 in a way that requires such consent under COPPA.

How We Use Your Information

We may use the information we collect for a variety of purposes, including:

● To operate the Service, monitor the effectiveness of the Service, improve the content of the Service, and improve layout and design.

● To help provide you with a smooth, efficient user experience.

● To monitor, analyze, and describe usage patterns and performance of the Service, including aggregate metrics such as total number of visitors, traffic, and demographic patterns.

● To conduct system administration and system troubleshooting and to diagnose or fix technology problems.

● To comply with legal requirements and processes (for example, in response to subpoenas, court orders, and law enforcement or governmental requests or investigations), and to protect our legal rights or the rights of others (for example, by working to reduce the risk of fraud or misuse of the Service).

● To enforce our Terms of Use or other policies or agreements.

● With respect to information collected through the Website described in the Information Collected Automatically section above, to assist in marketing efforts, including, for example, by tailoring and serving advertisements, and by tracking the effectiveness of marketing efforts.

● In connection with a business transaction, such as the bankruptcy or liquidation of, sale of, purchase of, or a merger with our business or another business.